Monday, April 26, 2010

These are the days... remember.

When I was younger, I'd stay up late while my mom-mom would talk about a few of her favorite things. She had a blue coat with blue buttons when she was sixteen and she felt like a princess whenever she wore it. She had pumps she would wear with it. I can just imagine her, with the hem of her dress hanging below her long coat, feeling like a queen.

Well, that's how I felt when I went into the city today - walking in heels over cobbled stone paths with big green trees dropping rain drops all around me. A drenched spring in D.C. is the best when you have girly feelings like I did today. It's easy to soak in the beauty as you walk by - especially if you feel pretty, which I did because I was wearing a blue coat, with a lovely full skirt peeking out underneath and I couldn't help but think of my mom-mom.

I'm glad I learned to always remember how lovely it is to be a girl from all the fabulous women that raised me.


  1. hmm it rains a lot here in Oregon too.. but it doesn't make me feel makes me feel like a background character in the "twilight" series.
    Although I think I know my version of the feeling you described, last fall I bought my first Pea Coat, it is a dark charcoal and falls below my knees. The first time I wore it I felt like a big-time hard hitting journalist. (and still do) everytime I wear it ;)

  2. haha, Mark! I think you could be a Cullen with your dark & handsome looks!

    There is something awesome about a coat that makes you confident. I'm so glad you have one - and how it makes you feel is the truth - you have made it to the big time, Mark - live shots, awards, and all!!

  3. I love those feelings, when for a little while you feel like you are someone else, or yourself if you existed in a different time. I had a similar one the other day when Dan and I went to the movies, and over the credits at the end, the song "All I Have To Do Is Dream" by the Everly Brothers came on, and I started singing along to it, and I did exactly what you did: started imagining myself as a woman in a different time and place, imagining myself into all the stories i'd ever heard from that time and place. And I as well felt pretty, though inexplicably, since a song is not a coat that affects your appearance in any way :)

    Also, reading your blog has made me want to start one of my own for some time now, and I finally have! I think they're a wonderful way to practice both reading and writing skills on a regular basis. Anyway it's if you want to check it out :) Hopefully I'll actually commit myself to writing on it regularly...
